CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance

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CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance (CUEA) is initiated by CUHK Alumni Torch Fund, which has been committed to organizing “CUHK Entrepreneur Day” since 2015. With enthusiastic support and participation from various internal units and alumni groups, it has been developed as a University-wide flagship event to showcase CUHK distinctive entrepreneurship and innovation.

To further its existing constructive partnership, CUEA is formed to cluster all the organizing units of “CUHK Entrepreneur Day” for creating a persistent wave of positive and win-win synergy in driving the growth and further development of CUHK entrepreneurship.


Core Members

  • CUHK Alumni Torch Fund
  • Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services
  • Center for Entrepreneurship
  • Centre for Innovation and Technology
  • Pi Centre
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor Programme
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Hub
  • CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute
  • Alumni Entrepreneurs Association
  • CUHK Convocation
  • I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
  • Alumni Affairs Office

