Centri Medical Limited
Centri Medical Limited is a biomedical start-up which empowers individuals to proactively monitor their health by Point-Of-Care Test (POCT). We are a team of interdisciplinary professionals who aim to transform user-centric healthcare with an intuitive spinning disc-based technology platform, CentriPod. Finger-prick blood enables diverse Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-quality molecular tests in the novel microfluidic discs of the platform. All the testing processes including Nucleic acid (NA) extraction & amplification and fluorescence detection will be carried out inside the robust microfluidic discs. Sample-to-answer detection can be performed in an efficient and professional-free manner. Highly sensitive and specific test results will be available in less than 30 minutes. CentriPod is an open platform for different molecular tests which can be conducted simultaneously to provide high flexibility in POCT. At stage 1, we expect to collaborate with Queen Mary Hospital on a clinical trial of urgent pharmacogenomic testing in personalized management of Epilepsy. Plenty of strong associations of Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) alleles with adverse drug allergies were reported, CentriPod thus can provide rapid and accurate HLA screening tests for precision medicine. CentriPod will further apply to the home-use POCT market, giving health enthusiasts access to various biomarkers monitoring and infectious disease detection.