CUHK Shanghai Centre & InnoPort@Shanghai


CUHK Shanghai Centre

  • A key strategic development for CUHK in the mainland
  • A liaison hub of CUHK in Shanghai to foster engagements, alumni activities and collaborations with strategic partners in Yangzi River Delta
  • A platform to nurture innovative professionals and promote collaborations on scientific and technological innovation and academic exchange


CUHK InnoPort@Shanghai  

  • Shanghai base of CUHK InnoPort jointly established by Shanghai Yangpu District Government and CUHK
  • A high-quality incubation platform in Shanghai:
  • To provide one-stop support services for translation and commercialisation of CUHK’s scientific research outcomes in Shanghai
  • To connect CUHK’s research experts and strong entrepreneur networks in Shanghai
  • Services and guidance for innovation and entrepreneurship to be provided by the Yangpu District 




  • 中大在內地發展的重點策略部署之一
  • 中大在長三角的聯絡樞紐,拓展大學在內地的各項工作,支持校友活動, 加強中大與策略夥伴的合作
  • 創新型專業人才培養基地,促進科創合作及學術交流



  • 由中大和楊浦區政府區校合力打造
  • 致力發展成為上海高品質孵化器:
    • 作為中大設於上海的孵化平台,為中大科研成果轉化與產業化提供一站式創新創業支持
    • 對接中大創科力量和上海科創資源與產業網絡
    • 楊浦區提供創新創業服務團隊,為落戶上海的中大創科創業團隊提供政策支持和業務指導 
