Photo of Mr. Ivan K B LEE, JP

Mr. Ivan K B LEE, JP

Commissioner for Innovation and Technology

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region



Mr. LEE assumed the position as the Commissioner for Innovation and Technology on 12 June 2023. He is an experienced public officer with over 30 years of experience in public policy formulation and administration. Before taking up the current appointment, he has served in the Administrative Officer Grade in various Government Bureaux / Departments, covering a wide range of policy areas such as planning and lands, public health, Civil Service administration, manpower training, multilateral trade negotiations, constitutional and Mainland affairs, public housing matters, etc.

Mr. LEE has been involved in promoting innovation and technology since 2018. He most recently served as Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology from January 2018 to December 2020 and the Commissioner for Efficiency from December 2020 to June 2023, both of which were also under the auspices of the Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau.