Photo of Prof. Yunhui LIU

Prof. Yunhui LIU

Ph.D., IEEE Fellow

Director, Hong Kong Centre for Logistics Robotics

Choh-Ming Li Professor of Mechanical and Automation Engineering

Director, CUHK T Stone Robotics Institute



Yun-hui Liu received his Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics from University of Tokyo. He joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1995 and is currently Choh-Ming Li Professor of Mechanical and Automation Engineering. He also serves as Director of CUHK T Stone Robotics Institute, and Director/CEO of Hong Kong Centre for Logistics Robotics. His research interests include visual servoing, logistics robotics, medical robotics, multi-fingered grasping and machine intelligence. He has published more than 500 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings and was listed in the Highly Cited Authors (Engineering) by Thomson Reuters in 2013. He is an IEEE Fellow.



Topic: Transferring Technologies in Labs to Industry

Academic research differs from the development of translational technologies that aim for real-world applications in terms of objectives, approaches, etc. To develop a technology to a real product, academic people need to be prepared for challenges that are hardly seen in academic research. In this talk, we would like to share our experiences in transferring robotics technologies developed at the research labs to industrial sectors. The start-ups from CUHK T Stone Robotics Institute will be used as examples to explain the challenges to be overcome and to demonstrate the opportunities for commercialization of Hong Kong’s innovative technologies in the Greater Bay Area, Mainland and the world as well.